Nominate CompojoomComment for JED Editor's pick

The JED Editor's pick is a special category on . Today a news on says that the JED team is trying to get the community involved. So go to this form and nominate your favorite extensions - I'm sure that compojoomComment will be on first place in your list, followed by hotspots :)

And play fair! Only one submission per extension :)

edit 12.10.2010:

If you want to vote for compojoomComment you have to type the following things:

extenstion name: compojoomComment
Link to listing:

For hotspots:

extension name: Hotspots
Link to listing:

And this one:
Why do you think this extension deserves the designation of "Editor's Pick"?

is all up to you to answer. You use our software, you know what it can :) The thing that I don't want you to forget is the awesome support we provide!