!joomlacomment Alpha3 is out there in the wild!

Guten morgen Deutschland! :)
I’m happy to announce that !joomlacomment4.0.0 alpha3 is ready for download. All bugs that were reported since alpha2 were fixed.

Why alpha3? Well – this release was planned to be beta1, but I had to move big pieces of code to the new controller file(in backend) and that is why I decided to release a new alpha instead of beta.
I think that we learned a lot from your feedback and the problems that we had with alpha1 are something that happend once in the past :)

The new modern template is fact! It fully support indent comments! Check the demo section.
Also the new smileys pack is added. Again special thanks to Jatin Joshi!

In this release you will find one template that is still not ready. The template was started from the forum user Helly and I hope that it will be finished for beta1. Please give all your feedback to him :) Ah, and Helly - thank you!

There is also a new plugin for mmsblog. The old plugins should be now joomla 1.5 native compatible, but extensions as docman are still not running in joomla1.5 native, that is why you should stuck with legacy mode if you wish to use this plugin.

The newest feature is the “controversial” ad system :). With this release we are trying to build a strong ad network from websites made with joomlacomment. I hope that you will like the idea and will give us the chance to make money together.

I expect your bug reports and feedback in the forum :)