!joomlacomment 4.0 beta1 released

Today I'm proud to anounce that joomlacomment 4.0 beta1 is finally ready to be downloaded!
What is new?

This is the first release that ads support for akismet and gravatar . Here I would like to thank Marcofolio.net for the nice tutorials how to integrate those services.

I really recommend using akismet! It is working for a week now on compojoom and all the spam that somehow goes through the captcha is caught from akismet. It is really a great solution to reducing and eliminating spam. (recaptcha integration will come with beta2 - Ajay Lulia is working on this)

What about gravatar? Gravatar is good for people that for some reason don't wish to use CB profiles.

The most terrible bug ever :D with display date and user time offset was fixed!

A lot of new language files were added and few were updated. Here I want to thank all translators!

For all changes and improvements please read the changelog.txt file.

I've made a new simple video to guide the new users to the installation process. Another videos going into details how to configure joomlacomment will come soon.

The biggest change in this version was the advertisement feature. The idea is basicly very simple. If you like the component and wish to sponsor its further development you can register your site and show ads through it(you get 70% of the ads revenue and the rest of 30% is devided between joomla and joomlacomment). In alpha3 there was a very stupid implementation from my part. Now the idea has evolved - per default this feature is turned off. You have first to register for the network, then to put your ad code and start supporting joomlacommend and joomla. Further more I'm working on a framework that I will distribute to other open-source developers and this way you as users, that don't have programming knowledge can give something back to the community. If you wish to support open-source software and joomlacomment, please check the joomvertising section in the backend of the component and register for the launch of the network.

For more information check Joomvertising.com


Please if you have any support questions the best thing to do is to start a new thread in the forum!

P.S. To the guy that made a DOS attack on our server last week: Thank you for wasting our time! (that was irony!)