Joomla Backend Mastery - free Webinar!

I had a look over compojoom's forum last days. There are always some people that ask obvious questions in my eyes: "The comments are not showing" - well of course they will not show, cause you are not in single view :). "What is single view?" Etc, etc.

Well, those people are asking obvious questions, because they didn't have time to read the documentation or to try everything out. And that is perfectly fine!

When I started with Joomla some 4 Years ago I was also asking obvious questions :) And I got a lot of people on the forums that helped me out.

Now the Joomla Template Webinar is over and I must say - it was amazing experience! I really like to teach and I believe that the students that visited the class were also extremly happy with what I've taught them.

Cause I want to repeat this AWESOME experience I'm organizing another webinar on Saturday, that is oriented toward absolute newbies! We will have a look at the backend of joomla and we will do some great stuff with the system. I'll explain you the difference between a component, module and plugin. Will show you how to use the media and content manager, how to build complex menu structures and I will answer your questions :)

Here is the full course content:

And the best of all?? Well it is free!

To register use the form below.


The webinar will start at 18:00 berlin time. Find out what will your local time be with the time zone converter.