!JoComment 4.0 alpha

Ladies and Gentlemen! I'm really excited to write this (at 00:30) I have just uploaded the first alpha release of !JoComment4.0.

What is new? Nothing! This version is just and ONLY working with joomla 1.5 in NATIVE mode. (joomla 1.0 is NOT supported anymore)

For the moment only the comment plugin is rewritten (no plugins in native mode for docman and co...)

Please DON'T install on production sites.

This release is supposed to gather user comments.

Please test it and write your impressions in the forum :)


Keep in mind. This release is based on !jocomment 3.25 (the few bugs fixed in 3.26 are not included in this release)

Special thanks to Walter Cédric and Ajay Lulia!