How To Make Professional Joomla Templates

Biggie Smalls created a lot of buzz throughout the community on arrival. It led to vast amounts of enquiries regarding details on the creation of Joomla Templates.
Many enquiries were similar to others, So I thought it might be an idea to sum up details as best I can, to a presentation concerning the main features on how to make professional Joomla Templates.


A knowledge base like this packs the needed information into a learning curve that should get you up and running in hours, rather than months from self teaching methods....

To get things underway here's my first intriductory video.Take a look and let me know what you think(do you like my accent, etc :))


Full workshop content:


You also get get the developer version of the Biggie Smalls template which retails for $147. I'm doing this so that you can not only learn how to do it yourself but also have something as a reference point so that for sake of convinence, you can even model on it.


Full money back guarantee


Because there are only so many people that can be trained at a time, the live training is restricted to 20 people.

For the webinar we will use:


P.S. If you have any questions or suggestions what the workshop should also cover don't hesitate to leave a comment!

The webinar will start at exactly 16:00 Berlin time.