Hotspots 2.0.3 released

Today, we've released Hotspots 2.0.3. This is a maintenance release fixing some small bugs. You are advised to upgrade if you want your users to have the best possible experience :)

Here is the changelog:

-------------------- 2.0.3 stable [12-July-2011]----------------
# Updated live update, fixing an annoying bug - a big thank you to Nick from AkeebaBackup!

-------------------- 2.0.2 stable [10-July-2011]----------------
#659: street view not taking in account the size of the page
#660: Saving of a hotspot was deleting all the html in description

-------------------- 2.0.1 stable [6-July-2011]-----------------
# When searching for a hotspot the link to the single view was wrong

Versions 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 were not released to the public. Version 2.0.3 includes the fixes in 2.0.2 and 2.0.1 .

Known problem:
When you are in street view mode and click on a marker, the info window shows in the map plane instead of the street view plane. I wanted to introduce a fix for this in this version, but I've discovered a bug in google maps API that leads to a browser crash... And because I don't want your browsers to crash... I'll first wait for the google devs to fix it and then I'll include a fix for this. Right now you will have to live with this small annoying thing :)

If you don't have a subscription for Hotspots - GET ONE :) Did you know? If you are using hotspots 2.0 you can go to backend -> components -> Hotspots -> live update and update from there to the latest version with 1 click :)