CompojoomComment 4.2.1 released

Let me tell you this: supporting 2 versions of a system is a tough thing. I can’t wait for the day when I’m going to say – the support for joomla 1.5 is discontinued :) Right now we are around 8 months far away from this day… Anyway just say hello to CompojoomComment 4.2.1. As you can clearly see from the version number – this is a maintenance release.

Here is the changelog:
+ added easyblog plugin
# $option not anymore available on joomla 1.7
+ persian translation
# publish/unpublish in backend sends comments to all users on joomla 1.7
$ updated k2 plugin
$ updated com_content plugin
$ updated com_community plugin
$ updated community builder plugin
+ added slovak translation
$ updated french frontend language
$ updated german frontend language
$ updated norwegian frontend language

But this is not all! To ensure that we support both joomla 1.5 and 1.7 we needed to update the following plugins:
compojoomCommentk2 plugin
compojoomWalls plugin

You can find the updated documentation here.

A big thank you to the easyblog guys and especially to Jack who contributed the easyblog plugin… I’ve played with easyblog for half an hour and have to say that it is an amazing blog system! In matter of fact I would classify it as the best one for joomla. I'll make a more in depth review of the component in the next days, up until then you can find everything about easyblog on their website: . They have released version 3.0 few hours ago, so just hurry up :)

Anyway back to compojoomComment. If you use version 4.2 your life should be really easy! Just go to the live update and click update :)

Get a subscription now and download compojoomcomment here.