Hey Guys,

It's been a while since I've written something in the blog, but hopefully you are not getting the impression that we do nothing :) Soon enough you'll see the product of our hard work :)

Anyway, this blog is about CompojoomComment 4.1.8 released yesterday. This is a maintenance release. We didn't plan to have yet another minor release, but this was necessary since CC was not working correctly with Internet Explorer 9.( If a user makes a comment, this comment is being published, but it doesn't appear in the list with comments. When you do a refresh of the page – the comment is shown in the right order, but as you can imagine this is annoying.) Knowing the fact that IE9 was downloaded more than 2.5 million times on its release day, I think that you should install this update.

Here is a short version of our changelog:
# fixes to the eventlist plugin
# IE9 js error
+ hotspots plugin added
+ jevents plugin added
+ phoca plugin added
+ mosets tree plugin added
$ changes to the language files
+ gravatar checks for additional nophoto.png or nophoto.jpg image in template
$ changes to dutch language file - komentaar changed to reactie
# fixed Chronoforms recaptcha conflict

From the above list there is one very important change and that is the one to the language files. We now use a more joomla 1.6 language file syntax. Here I feel that a lot of users are already thinking – oh Joomla 1.6 compatibility??? NOPE, this version is still NOT compatible with Joomla 1.6. CompojoomComment 4.2 will be compatible with Joomla 1.6. Version 4.1.8 just includes some changes that will make the actual update process easier.

Once you make the update don't forget to clear your Joomla and browser cache.

As usual – if something goes wrong you know that you can count on us! Use our forum and you'll get an answer!

On a side note: styleware.eu has released a new Joomal template that has a nice Compojoom Comment template – you can see it in action here: http://companybiz.styleware.eu/ . Congrats on the cool design!