CompojoomComment 4.1.4 stable released

There it is! The new stable version of compojoomComment.

I know that some of you are waiting impatiently for it. Why? Well, because it doesn't only bring the option to use jomSocial's avatars, but also jomSocial's User Point and Activity stream. Did I say, that with this version you are now going to be able to use compojoomComment as a wall application in your profile?

Yep, forget about the boring default wall, get the plugin from the download section and give the user the option to use compojoomComment ;) (look here for more information)

Ok, I hear you saying already: "I use community Builder" - well if you use CB and have a big user database, then you are also going to love this release! It should bring some considerable speed improvement!

For a complete list of changes look at the changelog :)

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